Tuesday, March 15, 2011



blah blah blah today sucked. Got called into work thankfully. Scored a free pretzel. Rode home, got my foot caught in my strap pulling into my walkway and completely ate shit sideways. hahaha fuck me, right?

This is just a picture that I really like because it holds a couple personal meanings.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday ride

Days off work, friends on spring break? Time to hit these streets! Headed down town today with Deebus and Hugo.

Deebus and I making our way to TBP to meet up with Hugo. I love Tempe Town Lake.

First downtown destination was 'Z Pizza'. Seriously good pizza, worth every dollar.

Deebus' black Leader, Hugos blue conversion and my mint green anonymous steel track frame.

Oven baked. Vegan cheese, red onions, green peppers, jalapenos, black olives and avacado. Throw on large ammounts of red peppers and youve got one tasty pizza.

Time to head out . . .

Revolver records in Phoenix.

This is the only thing in the walls at revolver records (other than a note taped to the mirror with bathroom rules) and it read: Six footer with problems - that's what hollywoods' Inga Neilsen is. SHe's beautiful but feels she's talented enough to be a succesful actress, and not just "a sex object."

Our bikes matched the "Live Metal Tonight" sign.

From Revolver we got back onto Washington street and headed east towards home. Got to TBP and headed on home. Since then I've had dinner, and watched a lot of tv. Mostly Family Guy and now Cops.

On a side note, muh Squintz is MIA and Im really starting to miss her. Good night.